Tuesday 9 June 2015

How Satan can control us or God can contact us?
Does this happen to you that you rhyme your favorite song within your mind and someone else
started singing it in front of you? Or that song comes on television or radio?
You instantly realize that some of your friend or relative is coming to visit today, or the instant
example that you are going to open a door and somehow you know who is behind that.
When you know what your pet wants or you understand what your child is trying to express
when he is too small to have verbal communication with you.
Before going any further we First of all know what our mind is? As nothing goes beyond our
To start off, the brain is made up of neurons, which are particular cells that interconnected with
each other through chemical and electrical signals. The neuron is an emotional cell, meaning its
membrane potential (the difference in voltage between the inside and outside of the cell)
changes upon inspiration. When a neuron accepts enough stimulation to fire, it experiences an
action potential, which is a brief, speedy change. In gross these neurons are called brainwaves.
Brain wave measurement
Brain waves can transpire at dissimilar incidences, which parallel to different states of
psychological activity. Brain Incidences are measured in Herz (Hz), or cycles per second. The
following table outlines the names and mind states related with unlike brain waves frequencies.
Keep in observance that the boundaries between different frequency bands are
approximations, and may deviate by a few Herz.
Range Name Associated With:
> 40 Hz
Gamma (γ)
Higher mental activity, including
perception, problem solving, fear,
and consciousness
13-39 Hz
Beta (β) waves
Active thinking and concentration
8-12 Hz
Alpha (α) waves
Relaxed alertness, pre-sleep drowsiness
4-7 Hz
Theta (θ) waves
Deep relaxation, REM sleep, dreaming
< 4 Hz
Delta (δ) waves
Deep dreamless sleep
The mind can broadly divided into three parts
The conscious mind includes all that we are attentive of. This is the feature of our psychological dispensation that we can ponder and talk about sensibly. A part of this comprises our reminiscence, which is not always part of consciousness but can be recovered easily at any time and carried into our awareness.
The unconscious mind is a pool of spirits, opinions, urges, and memories that falls separate of our conscious awareness. Most of the fillings of the unconscious are intolerable or hostile, such as feelings of pain, worry, or conflict.
Sub-Conscious mind
When we are innate we are an empty book. Our subconscious is spotless. We have no principles or values. We are only born with the fear. Everything else comes from our atmosphere; how we are preserved, what we are exposed to.
Subconscious mind account of almost 80% of our brain and it’s the part which is both active and inactive at the same time. Our brain produces specific waves.
But whenever the balance of brainwaves disturbed by external powers the possession can happen.
These brainwaves are common part in all humans and has connectivity with each other because of which phenomena like telepathy, hypnotism etc. works.
All the human minds are connected through these brainwaves and these brainwaves are connected to the Super Energy or God from the place known as Swapna Aakash to which Albert Einstein named as Quantum Domain.
This concept is easy to understand for you if you are a lucid dreamer (while dreaming you are aware that you are in a dream) or a dream controller (you can control your dreams). In simple language Swapna Aakash is a common source of all the information present in this universe and it supplies all the energy and information to minds as per their capabilities.
There are three stages of Dream Creation-
Remembering your dreams – It’s the most basic stage one can recall fully or partially his dreams
Lucid Dreaming – When your logical unite get active while you dream or when you can realize in your dreams that you are dreaming or it’s a fake world or something is wrong its not real.
Dream Control – When you can control your dream and make changes in it at your will. For example creating four moons in the sky or turning sea pink.
Dream Creation – When you become master in dream control and become dream administrator and nothing is impossible for you to create in your dreams even you decide which kind of dream you want to see.
Dream creation is a stage in which one becomes the God of his dream world and has infinite mental capability to create just anything and his sub conscious is in his full control and from here he tries to find from where his imagination is getting this power.
This is the first step of human mind to reach Swapna Aakash . Your dream world is your personal Swapna Aakash as every individual has their own of your own personal computer which is in your control fully. And it get all the energy and strength from the connecting server Swapna Aakash of God.
Sawapna Aakash or Quantum Domain is a place far away from time and space even beyond the matter and choices as everything is possible there, no time, no distance and nothing is unobtainable there; countless universes are created and destroyed in a fraction of a moment. There is no past or future only present is the form of time in Swapna Aakash as whatever had happened, whatever is happening or whatever will happen is all there at one time. It is Gods dream world. The Super energy or Super storage. It is a divine realm which provide all the information, energy and guidance to whatever is happening in our physical world.
Sawapna Aakash or Quantum Domain – The source code of our consciousness, the creation of our souls
If you are a dream controller then you can create anything in your dream even a parallel world or space or even a universe, the power of the human mind is limitless so it is impossible to imagine the power of Gods mind which makes Swapna Aakash beyond measurement. In Hindu mythology it is said when Lord Vishnu goes to Yoga Nidra (Divine Sleep) each time a Swapna Aakash is created; it is a dream of God.The more scientfic facts are...................................................
Book- Beyond Lights The Darkness Knocks
Chapter-Mind The Biggest Mystery
Writer-Mohit Pandey

My Facebook Link- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000587002949
My Official Fan Page - https://www.facebook.com/mmohit084
My Books-
Beyond Lights - The Darkness Knocks (Scientific Explanation Of God And Satan)
Beyond Lights –Shadow Of The Darkness – Book describing dark entities from India like- Dayaan,Chudail,Pret,Pisaach
Facebook Link -https://www.facebook.com/pages/Beyond-Lights-Shadows-Of-The-Darkness/631739473572697
A Tale Of Ten Candles – Urban Legends From India
Fantastic Finance –Book on Strategic Finance
Books in pipeline –
Amazing Astrology – A book on Non-Traditional Raj Yogas
Negatives – Heroes Not Allowed
Bramhana – The most dangerous and Scared community in India

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