Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Pralaya/Qayamat/End of days or Frustration of God-
Some say the world will end in Fire; Some say in Ice,
From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor Fire.
But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate,
To say that for destruction, Ice is also great!
(Robert Frost)
These lines I had first come across to me on internet on one of my most favorite blog
End of the World – When, How and Why this will happen?
How it will happen, there are few feasible possibilities like-
• Will it happen because of nuclear war?
• Or through a comet strike? As it had happened in past so we cannot count out this possibility also.
• Drowning of earth because of Global warming or earthquakes under sea.
• Some sort of expansion of destructive virus can wipe out life on earth.
• Some other but unknown and very strange reason for the destruction of earth like-Earth deviated away from its orbit, exhausted sources of energy on earth etc.
If I express my personal view then the practical feasibility are by two processes-
• Drowning of Earth into water
• Comet strike as it had happened earlier
Concept of End of Days in Hindu, Christian and other mythologies and culture-
Description of Pralaya or End of days in Hinduism-
In a number of Puranas, the account of Pralaya that occurs at the end of a Chatur-yuga (Particular cycle of time-Note-Time is not considered as linear in Hinduism but a circular and never ending process) is tremendously valid to what is devoted to as the Great Deluge in Biblical and Koranic positions.
Along with these as well as the Hindu myths of End of Days, complete Earth was swamped by Water which swallowed up the land and guzzled up maximum living as well as non-living things alive on it. And in all the three customs (Hindu,Christion,Islam), ONE Man was chosen by God to endure the inheritance of Human race.
In Hinduism, this male is Vaivasvat Manu and in Biblical orientations he is called Noah.
The belief in a Boundless Deluge is not restricted to the three above stated religions alone.. it was widely believed by other ancient mythologies as well
But the core question is that is pralaya is natural or happens to destroy the most strong species of its time, sometimes dinosaurs other times humans?

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Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Mysterious Man-
The most secret and scared knowledge of the mortal world is Either there is no Satan or God and Satan are the two opposite sides of the same coin .If God is the creator of everything then its only God who has created Satan and ultimately God is the one who is responsible of all the troubles mortal world is facing because of the Devil.
And if Satan is not created by God and he is a free separate entity who has the courage and power to go beyond the will of almighty then by no means his importance is below Gods value.
Anyways I had talked enough about God and his so called evil counterpart Satan but what each and every scholar has been omitting while researching and writing on this particular subject is the importance of Humans.
• Who is a human?
• What’s the reality behind the human beings evolution?
• Why humans are so important in this realm?
• Why God and Satan want human beings to be their followers or remain under their control?
• How humans are the real balancing factor in the universe?
The most vital question is about the geneses of human beings if we go by religious books where it is told that humans were directly created by God whereas science has another theory to tell as Humans were developed by and by with the passage of time and through the series of transformation into apes or monkeys or similar animals.
But the point to ponder over is this that is their only these couple of theories are alone to describe the birth of the most mysterious creature created by God or is there are some more possibilities in the womb of time to reveal the reality and importance of humans.
If you have any doubts on my statement think for few minutes there are animals with great physical strength as compare to humans like elephants, bull etc. animals like tiger and leopard who are far more skillful than a mere human beings, even if we go to the next level there are creatures who are superior to man like birds who can fly, fishes who can even breath in water where no intervention of humans is possible if we go through the channel of nature.
But the reality is this that despite of being the weakest creature on planet naturally, Humans are ruling this planet practically. Humans can fly through air crafts, can go into the water through particular habiliments made for that purpose and even defying the force of gravity and interrupting into the vital space where no other living creature from earth can go in short Humans have got the ability to increase their dimensional reach and extend beyond the limits which nature has given him. To make myself clearer I want to say that if humans were monkeys or apes and then slowly developed in their present form then why not it happened with the other animals or why only humans are acting out of the rules of development prescribed by nature. In a contradictory statement I would like to say that Humans have got the capability to develop against the nature and they are developing as well as and they are moving against the nature and anything which is against the nature is Satanic in general senses.
So is there is a possibility that what humans are in the present world are made by Satan rather than God?
I had been disturbed by such questions for very long and at the end what I concluded is the biggest mystery is not God or Satan rather it’s the Man.
Now let us analyze these phenomena while studying and moving step by step and the first step will be the theories or stories or tales whatever you want to say about the evolution of mankind, the most mysterious creature on planet earth.
The most significant qualities of man are-
• Language
• Mind
• Destiny-Action-Choice or Choice-Action-Destiny
• Soul
Sample paragraph-Beyond Lights The Darkness Knocks

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Bramhana – The most dangerous and Scared community in India

Dreams – Gateways To The Parallel Realities (Swapna Aakash of Individuals Your own world where you are God)
How dreams can be the proof of parallel universe or alternate dimensions?
Dreams are already going on by the time you 'get there'. You seem to have been 'placed' in this other 'You' that be present within another practicality; perhaps you are a well-known director, or a mother of five instead of two...but it’s always 'You'. After you rouse, the 'characters' of the dream may not be familiar where in cloudland they were, and so are places and aptitudes.
Maximum of us would accept that we are unconscious during REM (Rapid eye movement-a stage when we are in dream world) but readings show that our brain wave drives evens more than at the time when we are awake. So how does this led into time travel or dimension travel? The mind, in my opinion, is in a powerful generator of brain waves and Electromagnetic waves (radio waves) have the ability to travel at or faster than the speed of light and brain waves are technically radio waves.
Think about it: the only thing that can travel faster than the speed of light is the speed of mind.
If you have ever visited Shimla and wanted to be their then your mind can take you there in a jiffy as the memory of picture is clear in your mind.
This allows us to travel grand distances throughout this universe and millions of multi-verses when our mind is at this -subconscious-like state' back in time, forward in time, alternate realities.
That is why in dreams; things seem 'crazy' or too fantastical. There are more laws of gravity and laws of physics than those of this universe.
In dreams, when we 'change scenes' it is as we are roving and staying so many different times and places that they appear to be combine together.
These alternate realities are just a frequency away from us but situated in a different timeline.
I am a lucid dreamer and I enjoy everything beautiful in my dream but never get attached to anything very strongly as I know this thing is temporary and when I wake up this will be gone or in short everything in my dream is fake, the difference between the time scale of real world and dreams has been observed by many now and these things has given me to think of another possibility.
Is it possible that our life is a dream and when we die we wake up somewhere else as we wake up in this reality when we die in our dreams? We feel the, pain, pleasure and all other emotions in our dreams but not death, we always wake up. The phenomena of reincarnation are simply nothing but another dream while remembering your previous dreams. Like what dream controllers and creators do they get whatever they want, they create everything at their will in dreams because of the degree of control over them.Similerly the saints,peers.messangers,avatars of God always says that this world is fake or Maya and all these people are enlightened one and they can show miracles like getting whatever they want, changing the rules of this planet, doing the things at their will.
Enlightened is nothing but realization of the fact that this world is fake or temporary and our consciousness is immortal and it resides somewhere else.
Although some experiments claimed that the dream time and real life time are same but I hold the contrary view to them as these experiments are based on parameters like REM (Rapid eye movements),length of dreams,writtern descriptions etc. which has large possibility of weak correlation with each other.
As the difference in the time scale of dreams and the real world is already observed my many people. One can spend a whole day within few minutes in a dream and this gives strength to my point that. Time is inver5sly proportion to speed. In real world if two persons are moving for same destination one is on a bicycle and other has a car than who will make his journey first? The person who has a car as his speed is more than his competitor the same logic is applied on brain even in normal life you can see one child is average while other is brilliant because of the speed and functioning of brain.
In dreams time is related to the only active functioning part of our body which is our brain but this does not mean that a person who is good and quick in solving math’s problems will be good in dreams also. As in real world one person’s brain is sharp in physics while other is a great scholar of English, in dreams also only few has got the ability to move faster than time others may be spending their time in dreams equal to their time in the real world and even slower than the real world so basically dreams are timeless and depends on your brain for their speed.
Book - Beyond Lights The Darkness Knocks

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Fantastic Finance –Book on Strategic Finance
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Amazing Astrology – A book on Non-Traditional Raj Yogas
Negatives – Heroes Not Allowed
Bramhana – The most dangerous and Scared community in India

How Satan can control us or God can contact us?
Does this happen to you that you rhyme your favorite song within your mind and someone else
started singing it in front of you? Or that song comes on television or radio?
You instantly realize that some of your friend or relative is coming to visit today, or the instant
example that you are going to open a door and somehow you know who is behind that.
When you know what your pet wants or you understand what your child is trying to express
when he is too small to have verbal communication with you.
Before going any further we First of all know what our mind is? As nothing goes beyond our
To start off, the brain is made up of neurons, which are particular cells that interconnected with
each other through chemical and electrical signals. The neuron is an emotional cell, meaning its
membrane potential (the difference in voltage between the inside and outside of the cell)
changes upon inspiration. When a neuron accepts enough stimulation to fire, it experiences an
action potential, which is a brief, speedy change. In gross these neurons are called brainwaves.
Brain wave measurement
Brain waves can transpire at dissimilar incidences, which parallel to different states of
psychological activity. Brain Incidences are measured in Herz (Hz), or cycles per second. The
following table outlines the names and mind states related with unlike brain waves frequencies.
Keep in observance that the boundaries between different frequency bands are
approximations, and may deviate by a few Herz.
Range Name Associated With:
> 40 Hz
Gamma (γ)
Higher mental activity, including
perception, problem solving, fear,
and consciousness
13-39 Hz
Beta (β) waves
Active thinking and concentration
8-12 Hz
Alpha (α) waves
Relaxed alertness, pre-sleep drowsiness
4-7 Hz
Theta (θ) waves
Deep relaxation, REM sleep, dreaming
< 4 Hz
Delta (δ) waves
Deep dreamless sleep
The mind can broadly divided into three parts
The conscious mind includes all that we are attentive of. This is the feature of our psychological dispensation that we can ponder and talk about sensibly. A part of this comprises our reminiscence, which is not always part of consciousness but can be recovered easily at any time and carried into our awareness.
The unconscious mind is a pool of spirits, opinions, urges, and memories that falls separate of our conscious awareness. Most of the fillings of the unconscious are intolerable or hostile, such as feelings of pain, worry, or conflict.
Sub-Conscious mind
When we are innate we are an empty book. Our subconscious is spotless. We have no principles or values. We are only born with the fear. Everything else comes from our atmosphere; how we are preserved, what we are exposed to.
Subconscious mind account of almost 80% of our brain and it’s the part which is both active and inactive at the same time. Our brain produces specific waves.
But whenever the balance of brainwaves disturbed by external powers the possession can happen.
These brainwaves are common part in all humans and has connectivity with each other because of which phenomena like telepathy, hypnotism etc. works.
All the human minds are connected through these brainwaves and these brainwaves are connected to the Super Energy or God from the place known as Swapna Aakash to which Albert Einstein named as Quantum Domain.
This concept is easy to understand for you if you are a lucid dreamer (while dreaming you are aware that you are in a dream) or a dream controller (you can control your dreams). In simple language Swapna Aakash is a common source of all the information present in this universe and it supplies all the energy and information to minds as per their capabilities.
There are three stages of Dream Creation-
Remembering your dreams – It’s the most basic stage one can recall fully or partially his dreams
Lucid Dreaming – When your logical unite get active while you dream or when you can realize in your dreams that you are dreaming or it’s a fake world or something is wrong its not real.
Dream Control – When you can control your dream and make changes in it at your will. For example creating four moons in the sky or turning sea pink.
Dream Creation – When you become master in dream control and become dream administrator and nothing is impossible for you to create in your dreams even you decide which kind of dream you want to see.
Dream creation is a stage in which one becomes the God of his dream world and has infinite mental capability to create just anything and his sub conscious is in his full control and from here he tries to find from where his imagination is getting this power.
This is the first step of human mind to reach Swapna Aakash . Your dream world is your personal Swapna Aakash as every individual has their own of your own personal computer which is in your control fully. And it get all the energy and strength from the connecting server Swapna Aakash of God.
Sawapna Aakash or Quantum Domain is a place far away from time and space even beyond the matter and choices as everything is possible there, no time, no distance and nothing is unobtainable there; countless universes are created and destroyed in a fraction of a moment. There is no past or future only present is the form of time in Swapna Aakash as whatever had happened, whatever is happening or whatever will happen is all there at one time. It is Gods dream world. The Super energy or Super storage. It is a divine realm which provide all the information, energy and guidance to whatever is happening in our physical world.
Sawapna Aakash or Quantum Domain – The source code of our consciousness, the creation of our souls
If you are a dream controller then you can create anything in your dream even a parallel world or space or even a universe, the power of the human mind is limitless so it is impossible to imagine the power of Gods mind which makes Swapna Aakash beyond measurement. In Hindu mythology it is said when Lord Vishnu goes to Yoga Nidra (Divine Sleep) each time a Swapna Aakash is created; it is a dream of God.The more scientfic facts are...................................................
Book- Beyond Lights The Darkness Knocks
Chapter-Mind The Biggest Mystery
Writer-Mohit Pandey

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Fantastic Finance –Book on Strategic Finance
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Amazing Astrology – A book on Non-Traditional Raj Yogas
Negatives – Heroes Not Allowed
Bramhana – The most dangerous and Scared community in India

Saturday, 6 June 2015

The real mystery lays in Man only – DNA
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same DNA. An important property of DNA is that it can replicate, or make copies of itself. Each strand of DNA in the double helix can serve as a pattern for duplicating the sequence of bases. This is critical when cells divide because each new cell needs to have an exact copy of the DNA present in the old cell.
You will be surprised to know that DNA also serves the purpose of storage of information.
Before proceeding any further let us see some unique facts about DNA-
1. Every human being shares 99% of their DNA with every other humanoid.
2. If you put altogether the DNA molecules in your body end to end, the DNA would touch from the Earth to the Sun and back over 600 times (100 trillion times six feet divided by 92 million miles).
3. A parent and child HAVE 99.5% of the same DNA.
4. You have 98% of your DNA in mutual with a chimpanzee.
5. If you could type 60 words per minute, eight hours a day, it would take approximately 50 years to type the humanoid genome.
6. DNA is a breakable molecule. About a thousand times a day, something happens to it to cause mistakes.
7. Scientists at Cambridge University trust humans have DNA in shared with the mud worm and that it is the closest invertebrate genetic virtual to us. In other words, you have more in common, genetically speaking, with a mud worm than you do with a spider or octopus or cockroach.
8. Friedrich Miescher discovered DNA in 1869, though scientists did not comprehend DNA was the genetic material in cells until 1943. Prior to that time, it was widely believed that proteins stored genetic information.
The capacity of storage in DNA is very vast more than all the supercomputers available on our planet. But this most mysterious element is used hardly for 5% by a human body and rest of the 95% of DNA is considered as Junk or useless.
Nature has created everything with a purpose and nothing can be useless or without purpose in this universe. The simple fact is the things which we don’t know of which use we consider it as useless. For example if you give a remote villager laptop which he doesn’t know how to use it will be a junk for him but in reality it can be a thing of great utility.
As per my perception this 95% of DNA is either not been able to be decoded by our scientists or it is still inactive. If the knowledge of this active and known 5% of DNA can led us where we are today then imagine the 100% activeness of DNA can make us GOD.
DNA is the source code of our evolution and genetic changes can be made in it. Cloning, crossbreeding and many other examples are prevailing in the present world and some of such examples we can find in our mythological events also like Hercules was the son of a woman names Alcmene, who was seduced by Zeus(God) when he disguised himself as her husband Amphitryon.,in Hindu myths many like Bheem,Arjuna and many others said to be the MANAS PUTRA (Son born out of super human father and human mother) AND MANAS PUTRI (Daughter born out of superhuman father and human mother).
Therefore there are countless possibilities that can be hidden in what presently is termed as a Junk DNA.
Sample Paragraph-Mysterious Man
Book - Beyond Lights The Darkness Knocks

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A Tale Of Ten Candles – Urban Legends From India
Fantastic Finance –Book on Strategic Finance
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Amazing Astrology – A book on Non-Traditional Raj Yogas
Negatives – Heroes Not Allowed
Bramhana – The most dangerous and Scared community in India

Soul – The source code of our creation
Why Human dies? They say that the soul has left the body.
What is this mysterious or immortal element - Soul?
From which matter does this soul is made up of?
There can be countless such questions which no one ever will be able to answer. Soul is the part of the super cosmic energy which we call God and which is immortal and which governs our mind and body to carry out our day to day work.
Take a good look to the table below
If man is called a perfect machine and Human Body is the Hardware then-
Language is its mean to input or output information and other necessary data.
Destiny is pre stetted programs to run it on routine basis (obviously with a possibility to change)
Mind is the source code of our operating system
DNA is the source code of our evaluation.
Soul is the source code of our creation
There are many channels to reach DNA, Selected routs to reach and influence our minds but our mind is the only route to reach Swapna Aakash or Quantum Domain (Read the details about it in proceeding chapters) where the source code of our creation is programmed which is our Soul. And this is actually the place which Satan wants to conquer and most possibly the reason that he had helped Humans to have big and far more active brains than other species.
Swapna Aakash is the only non-destroyable place exists far beyond the concept of time, space and matter as it is made up of core energy. It is the least and the vast level of existence at the same time plane.
Whatever had happened in this universe?
Whatever is happening in this universe? And
Whatever will happen in this universe?
Is all present there as no future or past timeline exists there the greater of the greatest Mr. Albert Einstein had termed it as Quantum Domain ( Up to the maximum extent given by any scientist).
Our dreams are the best example of Swapna Aakash as dreams are also made up of core mind energy with the element of all possibilities every dream is a personal Swapna Aakash of an individual.
By changing the source code you can change the whole appearance and working of any particular program and the same logic applies to our souls too. Reincarnation is nothing but subtle changes made in the source code of creation or in soul. Just like changing the coding of any web page changes its appearance too changes made in the soul tends it to incarnate different bodies with different looks and attributes.
• A vehicle cannot run deprived of a chauffeur. Likewise, the body will not labor without the being there of the soul.
• The driver may recognize by his car and even develop affinity with drivers of a similar model. Different animals have unity with each other and a unique sense of understanding with their relevant species.
• The chauffeur develops a deep affection to the car, so in an accident he usually cries out "You hit me! “If the soul identifies with the body in the same way, then the pain and happiness which is actually felt by this body he feels that it is affecting him..
• Though the driver is not the car, he will move according to the nature of the car, namely fast, slow, etc. Like owner of an old body will move slowly then the owner of a young body.
• The same driver can get out of one vehicle and drive another. Similarly, the soul leaves one body and incarnates another.
During our youth, we have that sensation, interest, lust of adventure and sense of awe we will never, ever again experience as adults. As adults, we lose that feeling of immortality we felt when death was only an nonconcrete concept. . Worst of all, by the passage of time we understand that death is actual, enduring and approaching, whether it be sluggishly or in leaps and bounds. The only ray of hope we have left is that there is some kind of life after death. Confidence that maybe we do have an everlasting soul or spirit. However, this soul or spirit necessity comprise of some kind of survival of consciousness.
All of us want to authenticate our lives. Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Atheists and Agnostics alike are looking to establish a God, Heaven and Perpetuity.
The body you have today is not the similar body you had the day you were innate. It is a crystal clear fact that the physical body you have now is quite a bit bigger and developed now, has a dissimilar look and many other diverse qualities. The particles in our bodies are nearly totally replaced every seven years or so. So at age 21, you have had at least three completely changed physical bodies. Obviously, you are not the same physical body as you were born.
All our physical parts are changed piece by piece over the years. If you can own an entirely altered body (physically) over time and still be yourself, then the real self can never be physical.
It isn't reminiscence, either. You don't recall being conceived or being born. Your first memory may be when you were two, three, four years old..
But your being didn't begin when you were three or four, or whenever your reminiscences began.
If you misplaced your remembrance tomorrow, would you cease to exist? If you had a Vulcan mind-meld and I got your memoirs, would I be you? If so, then who would you be? Me?
Definitely not.
Our souls are cosmic energy matter that withstands our individuality over time, even though our physical bodies grow up and grow old.
If there was no soul, then you wouldn't be the identical person who was born on your birthday. There is a diverse you at each second, with every alteration of your physical body. But you know you are the same self for your complete lifetime. This is called an unaware self-conciseness or Nirvana (Salvation) .
Evidence of the Conception of Matter from Nothingness Delivers Flaws in Einstein's and Newton's Theories
Book - Beyond Lights The Darkness Knocks
Chapter - Mysterious Man

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Negatives – Heroes Not Allowed
Bramhana – The most dangerous and Scared community in India

Friday, 5 June 2015

Theory of Dimensions- The endless threads within the web of Swapna Aakash
What is a Dimension??
What is a Dimension??
It means degree of freedom of movement.
To understand it please read the below given example carefully
Suppose there is a rope tide at the end points of two poles and one person is showing play to walk on it then what will be the dimensional world or free world to move for that man?
It will be one Dimensional because he can move either forward or backward only.
Now if another rope is being tied on another two poles intersecting the first rope right in its middle then what would be the dimensional world for that person. It will be two dimensional as now he can move forward, back word and also left and right.
Now take one more step stuck a pole at the intersecting point of ropes which makes the person climb up and down.
Now he can move forward, backward,left,right and up down also this completes the 3 dimensional world where we are living.
But this isn’t finishes this entire world is 3 dimensional world is far more than that.
To make my point clear I am giving you an example of a fish a creature naturally lives in water, for fish water is its 3 dimensional world as there is no restriction for it to move in any direction. The fish thinks its universe is water alone but is it true? No, the world out of the water is not meant for fish as fish doesn’t have means to survive there it is another dimension where fish can’t survive although some sea creatures have this special abilities like turtles and some others to live in both land and water just like some humans have the ability to move or peep into the other dimensions also. Animals also communicate with each other at least in their particular class (for example man communicate to man) suppose a fish which has been out of water for some time may communicate the other world she has seen which is without water so strange to them likewise persons who experience parallel world through their dreams, out of body experiences or near death experiences tell the world how the different dimensions are as somehow they have crossed their boundaries.
There is a possibility that someone control these dimensions an alien, God or some other powerful entity that can be even Satan. The concept of dimension control is very simple.
Take a water tank half filled with water and put a fish into it, now start taking the water out of that tank slowly. What you will observe?
You are decreasing the dimension or freedom of movement of that fish in a tank if only little water is left which allow that fish either to move forward or to move backward or maximum left and right then you have reduced the three dimensional world of that fish to two dimensional world. But this doesn’t signify that no other dimensions exists, it is you who had manipulated these dimensions so there is strong possibility that someone else can also do this or probably he is doing this to us to restrict our movement into his region.
Man invented oxygen mask to dive deep into the water and extended his dimension, man invented spacecraft to extend his dimension or freedom of movement in the space. The logic is this that we cannot survive in water without oxygen mask for long or in space without space craft, therefore we need something additional to move into the other worlds which are not made naturally for us likewise the world of spirits and ghosts is also here along with many other parallel worlds where we cannot go with our physical bodies or we till now haven’t invented any instrument like space craft or oxygen mask so as to move in and survive there.
Beyond ghostly photographs, though, many of ghost sightings could have an even more exotic explanation: parallel worlds flow into one another. A ghost, a shadow, the haunting appearance of the deceased — perhaps this person is alive and well in another world, and you've simply caught a glimpse into their cosmos.
Or perhaps this particular “parallel universe” is the realm of the dead, itself
Writer- Mohit Pandey
Chapter - Swapna Aakash or Quntam Domain

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Beyond Lights - The Darkness Knocks (Scientific Explanation Of God And Satan)
Beyond Lights –Shadow Of The Darkness – Book describing dark entities from India like- Dayaan,Chudail,Pret,Pisaach
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A Tale Of Ten Candles – Urban Legends From India
Fantastic Finance –Book on Strategic Finance
Books in pipeline –
Amazing Astrology – A book on Non-Traditional Raj Yogas
Negatives – Heroes Not Allowed
Bramhana – The most dangerous and Scared community in India