Mysterious Man-
The most secret and scared knowledge of the mortal world is Either there is no Satan or God and Satan are the two opposite sides of the same coin .If God is the creator of everything then its only God who has created Satan and ultimately God is the one who is responsible of all the troubles mortal world is facing because of the Devil.
And if Satan is not created by God and he is a free separate entity who has the courage and power to go beyond the will of almighty then by no means his importance is below Gods value.
Anyways I had talked enough about God and his so called evil counterpart Satan but what each and every scholar has been omitting while researching and writing on this particular subject is the importance of Humans.
• Who is a human?
• What’s the reality behind the human beings evolution?
• Why humans are so important in this realm?
• Why God and Satan want human beings to be their followers or remain under their control?
• How humans are the real balancing factor in the universe?
The most vital question is about the geneses of human beings if we go by religious books where it is told that humans were directly created by God whereas science has another theory to tell as Humans were developed by and by with the passage of time and through the series of transformation into apes or monkeys or similar animals.
But the point to ponder over is this that is their only these couple of theories are alone to describe the birth of the most mysterious creature created by God or is there are some more possibilities in the womb of time to reveal the reality and importance of humans.
If you have any doubts on my statement think for few minutes there are animals with great physical strength as compare to humans like elephants, bull etc. animals like tiger and leopard who are far more skillful than a mere human beings, even if we go to the next level there are creatures who are superior to man like birds who can fly, fishes who can even breath in water where no intervention of humans is possible if we go through the channel of nature.
But the reality is this that despite of being the weakest creature on planet naturally, Humans are ruling this planet practically. Humans can fly through air crafts, can go into the water through particular habiliments made for that purpose and even defying the force of gravity and interrupting into the vital space where no other living creature from earth can go in short Humans have got the ability to increase their dimensional reach and extend beyond the limits which nature has given him. To make myself clearer I want to say that if humans were monkeys or apes and then slowly developed in their present form then why not it happened with the other animals or why only humans are acting out of the rules of development prescribed by nature. In a contradictory statement I would like to say that Humans have got the capability to develop against the nature and they are developing as well as and they are moving against the nature and anything which is against the nature is Satanic in general senses.
So is there is a possibility that what humans are in the present world are made by Satan rather than God?
I had been disturbed by such questions for very long and at the end what I concluded is the biggest mystery is not God or Satan rather it’s the Man.
Now let us analyze these phenomena while studying and moving step by step and the first step will be the theories or stories or tales whatever you want to say about the evolution of mankind, the most mysterious creature on planet earth.
The most significant qualities of man are-
• Language
• Mind
• Destiny-Action-Choice or Choice-Action-Destiny
• Soul
The most secret and scared knowledge of the mortal world is Either there is no Satan or God and Satan are the two opposite sides of the same coin .If God is the creator of everything then its only God who has created Satan and ultimately God is the one who is responsible of all the troubles mortal world is facing because of the Devil.
And if Satan is not created by God and he is a free separate entity who has the courage and power to go beyond the will of almighty then by no means his importance is below Gods value.
Anyways I had talked enough about God and his so called evil counterpart Satan but what each and every scholar has been omitting while researching and writing on this particular subject is the importance of Humans.
• Who is a human?
• What’s the reality behind the human beings evolution?
• Why humans are so important in this realm?
• Why God and Satan want human beings to be their followers or remain under their control?
• How humans are the real balancing factor in the universe?
The most vital question is about the geneses of human beings if we go by religious books where it is told that humans were directly created by God whereas science has another theory to tell as Humans were developed by and by with the passage of time and through the series of transformation into apes or monkeys or similar animals.
But the point to ponder over is this that is their only these couple of theories are alone to describe the birth of the most mysterious creature created by God or is there are some more possibilities in the womb of time to reveal the reality and importance of humans.
If you have any doubts on my statement think for few minutes there are animals with great physical strength as compare to humans like elephants, bull etc. animals like tiger and leopard who are far more skillful than a mere human beings, even if we go to the next level there are creatures who are superior to man like birds who can fly, fishes who can even breath in water where no intervention of humans is possible if we go through the channel of nature.
But the reality is this that despite of being the weakest creature on planet naturally, Humans are ruling this planet practically. Humans can fly through air crafts, can go into the water through particular habiliments made for that purpose and even defying the force of gravity and interrupting into the vital space where no other living creature from earth can go in short Humans have got the ability to increase their dimensional reach and extend beyond the limits which nature has given him. To make myself clearer I want to say that if humans were monkeys or apes and then slowly developed in their present form then why not it happened with the other animals or why only humans are acting out of the rules of development prescribed by nature. In a contradictory statement I would like to say that Humans have got the capability to develop against the nature and they are developing as well as and they are moving against the nature and anything which is against the nature is Satanic in general senses.
So is there is a possibility that what humans are in the present world are made by Satan rather than God?
I had been disturbed by such questions for very long and at the end what I concluded is the biggest mystery is not God or Satan rather it’s the Man.
Now let us analyze these phenomena while studying and moving step by step and the first step will be the theories or stories or tales whatever you want to say about the evolution of mankind, the most mysterious creature on planet earth.
The most significant qualities of man are-
• Language
• Mind
• Destiny-Action-Choice or Choice-Action-Destiny
• Soul
Sample paragraph-Beyond Lights The Darkness Knocks
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Beyond Lights - The Darkness Knocks (Scientific Explanation Of God And Satan)
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Beyond Lights –Shadow Of The Darkness – Book describing dark entities from India like- Dayaan,Chudail,Pret,Pisaach
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A Tale Of Ten Candles – Urban Legends From India
Fantastic Finance –Book on Strategic Finance
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Amazing Astrology – A book on Non-Traditional Raj Yogas
Negatives – Heroes Not Allowed
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Bramhana – The most dangerous and Scared community in India
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